Governance of FoCM 2017-2020

The term of office of all FoCM committees is from one FoCM conference to the next.
In practice this means two-three years.

The day-to-day affairs are being managed by the FoCM Executive Committee.
As of August 2017, the Executive Committee:

FoCM Executive Committee

Title Name Affiliation
Chair Agnes Szanto North Carolina State University, USA
Secretary Michael Singer North Carolina State University, USA
Treasurer Javier Peña Carnegie Mellon University, USA

The governing body of FoCM is its Board of Directors which, in addition to the three members of the FoCM Executive Committee, includes:

Board of Directors

Title Name Affiliation
JFoCM Editor Albert Cohen Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris
" Hans Munthe-Kaas University of Bergen, Germany
Member-at-large Wolfgang Dahmen RWTH Aachen, Germany
" Annalisa Buffa IMATI "E. Magenes" - CNR, Italy
" Andrew Odlizko University of Minnesota, USA
" Antonella Zanna University of Bergen, Germany
" Carlos Beltrán Universidad de Cantabria, Spain
" Frances Kuo University of New South Wales, Australia
" Peter Bürgisser Technical University of Berlin, German
" Martin Hairer University of Warwick, UK,
" Marta Sanz-Sole Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
" Ricardo Nochetto University of Maryland, USA,
" Shmuel Weinberger University of Chicago, USA
" Martín Sombra ICREA & Universitat de Barcelona, Spain



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