Governance of FoCM, 2008 – 2011

The term of office of all FoCM committees is from one FoCM conference to the next.
In practice this means two-three years.

The day-to-day affairs are being managed by the FoCM Executive Committee.
During 2008-2011, the FoCM Executive Committee was comprised of:

FoCM Executive Committee

Title Name Affiliation
Chair Felipe Cucker City University of Hong Kong
Secretary Hans Munthe-Kaas University of Bergen
Treasurer Agnes Szanto North Carolina State University

The governing body of FoCM is its Board of Directors which in addition, to the three members
of the FoCM Executive Committee, includes:

Board of Directors

Title Name Affiliation
JFoCM Editor Mike Todd Cornell University
" Arieh Iserles University of Cambridge
Member-at-large Alan Edelman MIT
" Allan Pinkus  
" Antonella Zanna University of Bergen
" Eitan Tadmor  
" Elisabeth Mansfield University of Kent, Canterbury
" Endre Suli Oxford University
" Gregorio Malajovich Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro
" Henryk Wozniakowski  
" Jean-Pierre Dedieu*  
" Jim Renegar Cornell University
" Ian Sloan  
" Luis M. Pardo Universidad de Cantabria
" Mike Shub  
" Pablo Parrilo  
" Peter Olver University of Minnesota
" Raphael Hauser  
" Ron DeVore  
" Sue Brenner  
" Teresa Krick University of Buenos Aires
" Wolfgang Dahmen  RWTH Aachen
  * Jean-Pierre Dedieu | Deceased 15 June 2012


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